Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Temporary Issues :: Finishing The Rewards

Due to my multitude of auto-immune diseases and then my trusty jeweler pliers breaking, I am a wee bit behind on finishing the rewards.  I have officially gotten past the halfway point on mailing out rewards to you lovely donors.

I am still attempting to find a good pair of pliers.  So many to choose from and yet so many of them are sub-par.  I refuse to use a tool that will not allow me to get a tight loop next to the bead.  That is the only way you can guarantee a good close fit.  Without that you risk easily breaking your sparklies and that is a no-no in my book.

So in closing, I have not forgotten about the rest of you.  Truly I will not!  I have a list of people that need their reward sparklies sitting at my desk to constantly remind me.  I am just in a pause mode until I can locate a decent pair of jeweler pliers.  (read:  not cheap and crappy pliers but cheap and good is always helpful.)

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