Thursday, November 29, 2012

This Christmas Season ::

I have had many people ask me what to get either Justin or myself for Christmas. Rather than spending your money on me... I have a HUGE favor to ask. Can you instead do something that is an even bigger gift to me? Can you turn around and use that money on a complete stranger? Yep you heard me right... a complete stranger.

The Christmas season is very very hard on some. For one reason or another it can be a period of time where people suffer in silence. They usually don't feel okay talking about their reasons as to why it makes them either lonely, sad or depressed. So rather than spending your money on us... both Justin and I would rather you spend it on them.

Buy someone a coffee. Pay for their parking or toll fee. Bring someone a meal or a pastry. Get them a balloon, flowers or a card. Do something you would not normally do for someone you don't know. I know for some this is an odd question or something that is normally out of their comfort zone... but please realize that the amount of joy you will be giving that person is WAY MORE than any uncomfort you may feel.

If you don't have money to use on someone... there are still ways you can give us this Christmas gift. Go out of your way to give someone a compliment out of the blue. Walk up to someone that clearly needs it and give them a hug. Make someone laugh when it's obvious they want to cry.

My point is this... Christmas is about love not about what new trinket you got or gave. It's about taking a moment out of our own world and worrying about someone else's world. Too many of us have to walk our path in life surrounded by shadows. Love shines a light on that path that nothing else can. What I'm asking you to do is to be that light for someone. That's the best Christmas gift you could EVER give me. You never know... you may even like it. *wink*

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