Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Phone Number ::

So my cellphone died pretty much. Virgin knew they were defective and sold them anyway. Since they were unwilling to even give me a partial credit towards another phone, since I only got in in March of this year... I decided to go with Sprint. We got a second line put on Justin's sprint account. So I chucked the Motorola Triumph and now have a Steel blue Samsung Galaxy S3. My cell number has changed!! THIS IS THE NEW CELL NUMBER:


Please make sure you change the number in your addy books. Thanks!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Lexa Lusty Wearing One Star Designs ::

Lexa Lusty
Photography by Obscuri
MUAH by Kaia Bellanca
Latex bustle and top by Fetish Factory (Danny Ae)
Latex gloves available at Ver Les
Earrings by One Star Designs

October 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ludella Hahn Wearing One Star Designs Sparklies ::

Isn't this just a divine picture?  Miss Ludella Hahn models some of our custom, one of a kind sparklies.  Just more proof to show you that our sparklies will go perfectly with anything or absolutely nothing at all.

Wig :: Darling St Vitus Dance
Earrings :: One Star Designs.
Photo :: Evan Smith Photography
Model/makeup :: Ludella Hahn - Pinup, Burlesque Dancer, Actress

Not Vending Live Events In October ::

Just as a reminder ::

One Star Designs will NOT be vending at Viva Dallas Burlesque tonight.  I am taking this month off from vending live events.  I will be vending BOTH Viva's in the month of November.  If you wish to shop between now and November's Viva, please shoot me an email or a text.  We'll schedule a time that is convenient for you.

Text:  214-418-1163
Email:  onestardesigns@gmail.com